Bull Run (novel)

Bull Run is a historical novel for children by Paul Fleischman, published in 1993. It consists of sixteen monologues by participants in the First Battle of Bull Run in 1861. The novel has won several awards.



The novel is a collection of monologues by sixteen fictional characters and one real one, eight Northern and eight Southern, black and white, male and female, describing their personal experiences in the First Battle of Bull Run of the American Civil War in 1861. Issues such as race, gender, economic, social, and regional tensions are depicted throughout the novel. This book gives you a clear vison of what went on in the civil war from medical tents to bodies on the battle field.


Northerners: Lily Malloy, Gideon Adams, James Dacy, Nathaniel Epp, Dietrich Herz, General Irvin McDowell, A.B. Tilbury, and Edmund Upwing.

Southerners: Colonel Oliver Brattle, Shem Suggs, Flora Wheelworth, Toby Boyce, Virgil Peavy, Dr.William Rye, Judah Jenkins and Carlotta King

Actor David Arquette is slated to play Toby Boyce in the upcoming 2011 movie adaptation.


Bull Run won several awards, including the 1994 Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction, and was named a Best Book by the School Library Journal[1], a Notable Children's Books by the American Library Association, and a Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts by the National Council of Teachers of English. [2]

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